Monday, October 27, 2014

Delivering the Bags

Last Thursday's Student Council meeting was spent delivering our food drive trick-or-treat bags.  We divided up Fallbrook into four sections and set out to canvas the neighborhood.

We made sure that every home had one of our bags placed on its doorstep!

We were especially encouraged by the fact that a few households already had their canned goods and non-perishable donations ready to hand to us a full week early!  With Mrs. Steiner's help, we were able to announce the delivery of our bags through the neighborhood association website, so those who will be out-of-town during Friday's trick-or-treat still had the opportunity to participate!

It is safe to say that students had a great time delivering these bags!

We are so grateful for all students who came to Thursday's meeting to deliver bags, and we are especially grateful to Mrs. Carnie, Ms. Seuferer, and Miss Kavan who walked with us!

We are looking forward to Friday's trick-or-treat event, and we want to remind everyone that this event is open to any Schoo student - not just those in Student Council.  We are excited to see how many pounds of food we can collect!

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